A release date has been confirmed for Nintendo’s Wii for its worldwide release schedule. At the conference in London, at the ExCeL Centre a release date of December 8th was announceed for Europe.

This comes as great news for Europeans who were holding out for a PS3 and were shafted by the 2007 release date.. They will have something to play over the Christmas period.

The price for the Wii will be £179 and it will be bundled with Wii Sports, the same as the US package.

Wii Controller will be £29, the nunchuck attachment £14 as is the Classic controller.

Wii Fanboy also has info on the channels that will grace Nintendo’s Wii. There are nince channels at present with more likely to arrive during the lifetime of hte console. Channels vary from News and weather through to Internet and  Messageboards.

Wii Fanboy

By Viran

3 thoughts on “Oui Monsieur? Non, Wii Monsieur! Wii, Europe, December 8th”
  1. I’ve done a bit of looking around and got the following 🙂 :

    “Nintendo predicts around 15 to 20 games at the European launch, mostly from third-parties, with Red Steel, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Need For Speed: Carbon, Cars, Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz all set for launch” [Eurogamer]

    Wii Sports will include Nintendo’s take on golf, baseball, tennis, bowling, and boxing (sans Mario and the crew). [Wii Fanboy]

    “First-party titles including The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii Play and Wii Sports (bundled with the console) will be joined by an extensive roster of third-party support. Alongside Ubisoft’s anticipated Red Steel and Rayman Raving Rabbids, European customers will also be able to beef-up their day one Wii library with the likes of Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam, Need for Speed: Carbon and Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz.

    Nintendo’s WarioWare: Smooth Moves is scheduled for release soon after the console’s launch, with major hitters like Mario Galaxy – perhaps disappointingly – scheduled for 2007.”[IGN]

    Thats all I could find 🙁

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