A pet hate of mine is pre-installed apps on devices, especially when they can’t be removed from the paltry storage space provided. In the case of the N97, you may have started up the Boingo application that comes pre-installed, by mistake with no intention of ever using it, only to find out that it adds a new Internet Access Point to your Destinations that cannot be removed! The only solution until now has been to carry out a soft reset of the phone.

Thanks to the observant matt_t at the Nokia Discussion Forums, it seems that Boingo have buckled to the emails from users and provided a way to remove the Boingo access point that is automatically created. Unfortunately, the Boingo app along with Joikuspot and Qik are tied into the ROM and taking up space, but at least it’s a start.

“The Nokia N97 comes pre-loaded with three months of free Boingo Wi-Fi. Like other native N97 applications (Contacts, Calendar), the Boingo application is pre-installed and cannot be removed. The first time you launch Boingo, a Boingo IAP (Internet Access Point) will be created under Internet Destinations. However, if you choose not to activate your free Boingo account, neither the application nor the IAP will interfere with your other connections.

If you wish to remove the Boingo IAP, simply run the “Boingo IAP Remover,” which removes the IAP (if present) from your device.

If at a later time, you wish to activate your free Boingo account, simply re-launch the application, which will re-create the Boingo IAP.”

Boingo Access Point Remover for Nokia N97 from Boingo.com

By Viran

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