I have a bunch of Joost invites to give away, the site is quite quiet so I’ll try to dish out around 100-200 invites (in total) if that many requests come along..or until I get RSI 😉 I’ll give it until midnight on the 6th.

Oh don’t forget to leave your email, preferably in a non-harvestable format like
joe [dot] bloggs [at] bumby [dot] com
or something of your choosing 🙂


Note this is posted across two other mirror sites.


Keywords: Joost beta invites invite giveaway

By Viran

15 thoughts on “Want a Joost Invite? Post a comment!”
  1. hey can i have a joos invite thanks it would be appreciated

  2. hello

    Would appreciate an invite to joost. Hope its not too late. email : sapty1 [at] gmail [dot] com


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