I haven’t posted on the blog for a while but I thought this was worth publicising so more people can solve the problem.

The Problem:
In Windows Vista RC2, Windows Live Messenger 8.0 and 8.1 wouldn’t sign in and the icon of the green and blue Messenger men kept on spinning until it gave up and gave the error code 81000306:

“We were unable to sign you in to .NET Messenger Service, possibly because of a problem with the service or with your Internet connection. Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet. 81000306”

What I tried:
I had recently changed router from a D-Link DSL-G604T (it died silently never to connect again) to a Linksys WAG200G. Windows Live Messenger had worked with the D-Link router in Vista but now with the Linksys in place, I received the 81000306 error. A check of my routers settings and firewall was carried out but nothing was out of place and after some tinkering, Messenger still didn’t work.

Final solution:
After some more searching online, I found this recent post by David McGown:

“- Click start
– Type: cmd
– Right-click cmd.exe when it appears under Applications
– Click Run As Administrator
– Type the following: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
– Press enter
– Restart your computer”

Hopefully that will work for you if you are having a similar problem.

Thanks David!

(Messenger Vista 81000306)

By Viran

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