Following the Japanese press conference, the US press conference is hot on its heels with none other than the Reggienator himself!. Using a various mish-mash of sources, I’ve put together the relevant bits and shredded the guff.

The US release date for the Nintendo Wii will be the 19th of November. It will be bundled with the Wii Sports…this item isn’t included in the Japanese release bundle. The cost will be $249.99.

First-party games will be priced around the $50 mark with third-party games open to higher pricing.
Virtual Console games (a sort of backward compatibility feature allowing old games from various platforms to be played) – NES, SNES and N64 games will cost $5, $8 and $10 respectively.

The Wii remote will be $39.99, nunchuck attachment – $19.99.

Nintendo, like Microsoft are aiming for the living room and have added a picture browsing feature along with other stuff like online feeds such as a weather channel. There will also be the ability to browse the long as you cough up the Wii points to download the Opera browser…pfft wheres free Firefox?

There will also be the ability for personalisation by way of ‘Miis’. You can create a 3d virtual character of yourself..a Mii, an avatar that can be loaded onto the Wii remote and taken with you to a friend’s house.

Wii Fanboy

By Viran

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