PS3 Slim - photo PlayStation Blog Remember the rumours of a slimmer version of the PS3 around the time of E3? Well it turns out that it has been announced officially by Sony. Over on the PlayStation blog there is a video with Sony Computer Entertainment America President and CEO Jack Tretton presenting the PS3 Slim and announcing a $299 price Worldwide for the existing PS3. The PS3 Slim will be out on the 1st of September with a matt finish and 120Gb hard drive, not long to wait!

The higher price of the PS3 was the last issue in competing with the Xbox 360 and now that barrier has almost been removed, buyers looking to purchase a console from this generation will be considering their purchases even more.

Check out the pictures of the PS3 Slim over on Flickr

Sources: PlayStation Blog, PlayStation Blog Flickr

By Viran

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