facefeed friendbook friendfeed facebook Friendfeed, a content aggregator, has been acquired by Facebook, who, besides Twitter are another major rival in the battle for users even though the services can be complimentary.

I have an account at FriendFeed but only use it to aggregate all my content and activity from sites such as Youtube, Flickr and Twitter and occasionally read other people’s feeds. I don’t use it much but then, I use Facebook even less.  FriendFeed became even more interesting when it went ‘real-time’ and comments from users appeared as they were submitted, turning comment threads into a bustling chatroom. This is used to great effect by Leo Laporte, where he creates a new post on FriendFeed at the start of a show and users comment away as if it was a dedicated chatroom. Not long after this addition, I was expecting to see something similar on Facebook.

According to the Facebook release at Mashable, where I first saw news of this takeover, FriendFeed will operate as is for the time being until they figure out what they want to do with it.

Links: Facebook Acquires FreindFeed – Mashable

By Viran

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