facebook_logo At 0000hrs EST, the rush for Facebook’s vanity URLs began. Getting a vanity URL meant that out of Facebook’s 200million people, your acquaintances wouldn’t have to search for you by name and recognise you from the picture, for example, like Twitter, FriendFeed, Myspace, Qik et al. you can just direct friends to facebook.com/yournamehere.

As with domains, there has been a rush to grab sought after names, brands, memes, phrases and totally random URLs. I grabbed mine, www.facebook.com/viran. here are some other fruity ones:

www.facebook.com/default.aspx – yes facebook uses PHP (via Techcrunch)
www.facebook.com/iamgod – oh really
www.facebook.com/left4dead2 – as opposed to /left4dead
www.facebook.com/korea – no sign of an account at /china /africa /india and so on
www.facebook.com/aaaaa – there are a plethora of alphabet URLs /ppppp etc.

Most likely a deliberate move, /jesus hasn’t been registered and probably isn’t available. Bad luck for all the Jesuses out there. At the time of writing either /Forza3 has been claimed by Turn10 or just hasn’t been registered. Did you get the URL you were after?

Check out more names that may be of interest:
15 Silliest Facebook Vanity URLs – Mashable
Patrick Gage’s List

By Viran

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